#drupalcon text in front, backwards Dries Buytaert
Toni Nissinen

DrupalCon Barcelona 2024: Tech, Community, and Inspiration

DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, great location, great weather, great tech and even greater community. Thanks to everyone that I had the honor of speaking with!

This was my first DrupalCon, though not my first Drupal event. Just like at the camps, what stood out to me most was the community – caring, supportive, and welcoming. Seeing a familiar face first thing in the morning as I picked up my badge immediately made me feel at home.

Of course, comparing DrupalCon to local Drupal Camps and meetups highlights some differences. DrupalCon is way bigger, with many more talks and BoF sessions, often diving deeper into technical and theoretical aspects. There were sessions on debugging techniques, accessibility (which, by the way, is top-notch), and other specialized Drupal topics.

The long conference days can be exhausting, and it’s impossible to attend every session you’d like to, but luckily, most of them are recorded and available on YouTube later. It’s such a great way to share knowledge across the community. I love that anyone who builds something innovative or learns something new can share it for the benefit of all.

I was especially excited to see some users (content creators, project owners, etc.) participating in DrupalCon. It’s fantastic that they could gather new ideas and insights on how to advance their projects. This, of course, might require some understanding of the technical aspects of Drupal, but I highly encourage more people using Drupal in their projects to attend future DrupalCons. There is so much value in being part of this community.

Read also about my visit to Drupal Mountain Camp

More about DrupalCon:

Photo: Paul Johnson, licensed as Attribution-NoDerivs. The original image was edited by narrowing it.


Toni Nissinen

Drupal Developer