The chosen project model is often critical to the project’s success. That is why we at Druid prefer agile methods and Scrum. Scrum requires all the work of a project to be gathered to a single place so that it can be managed properly. Even though a hip method might just be to scribble notes on pieces of paper and stick them to a wall, we have settled on a more engineerish solution, and use the JIRA project management software. We might lose out on some hipster points, but what we gain are various different project views, comprehensive reporting and other useful features.
On default settings JIRA creates two views for a Scrum project; a backlog view and a view for the active sprint. In addition, the workflow is very simple; just ‘To Do’ → ‘In progress’ → ‘Done’. For many this is enough. Or is it? Let’s find out.
In the ‘Backlog’ view you create stories, give points, assemble a sprint and initiate it. The stories get (technical) subtasks added to them. So far so good. Let’s switch to the view for the active sprint. I undertake one of the stories. I can easily see what subtasks the story has, and the status of those subtasks. One by one, the subtasks are completed until all of them are done. The story is finished!
No, wait a minute… Of course the story has to be put through peer review to ensure the technical quality of the work. And naturally the product owner will want to use a separate testing environment to check that the story’s requirements are met before signing off. Hmm… Should separate subtasks be created for all this? For each story? That sounds like a lot of repetitive work.
Backlog viewActive sprint view
The correct solution is to follow the golden rule of software architecture: model the desired structure with the features that the system offers, so that the system will ‘understand’ what you are doing. In this case, the goal is to model the whole process of the stories from the beginning to the end, so the first step is to expand the JIRA project’s workflow to cover all the phases of the sprint.
The necessary phases will vary between projects. Here is one example:
Sprint Backlog
In progress – Frontend
In progress – Backend
Development Done
Peer Review & Deployment
Acceptance testing
This too is best handled agilely. The first version is drawn up according to your best knowledge, and after that the phases are modified according to the experience gathered. (Pro tip: The project’s workflow should be labeled ‘Simplified Workflow’, so making changes is easier.)
When the workflow is all in order, we should work magic with the views. The view for the active sprint should work as before, so that the development work will run as smoothly as possible. That’s why you’ll only need the first four steps in the view (from ‘Sprint Backlog’ to ‘Development Done’).
In addition to that, a new view is created, called the ‘Review’. The purpose of the Review view is to offer a quick overview of the status of the sprint, and to allow processing the work on a story level, which is required on the final stretch of the sprint pipeline. In addition, we want to group the first four phases (‘Sprint Backlog’ through ‘Development Done’) into a single column titled ‘Develop’, because those phases have to do with the subtasks, and at this point we are interested in the stories themselves.
See a more in-depth installation guide on video:
The end result is that the stories’ workflow has been modelled into JIRA, and now you don’t have to guess or try to remember what phases the stories are on. In addition, it’s easy for everyone, even outside of the project, to check on the sprint’s progress.
Visualization also helps in finding bottlenecks; if, for example, stories keep cropping up in the peer review column, the development process should be modified to lean more towards peer review. There are exceptions, but continued congestion is a sign of a defective process. Luckily the retrospectives that are built in to Scrum can be used to bring the issue to light, and possible fixes can be tested easily. The views will show directly whether the fixes work.
End result: The Review view that offers an overview of the sprint
A couple of known issues:
– At the end of a sprint the stories are in ‘Done’ status, but their subtasks are left in ‘Development Done’ status. Before closing the sprint, the subtasks have to be manually moved to the Done column. The move action can be performed on all the subtasks by searching them with the ‘Issue Navigator’ and changing their status with the ‘Bulk edit’ tool. The fix can also be implemented automatically with JIRA’s own script language, but we haven’t gone that far yet.
– In the ‘Review’ view, the ‘Only stories’ filter has to be manually activated. If you find excessive clicking annoying, a quick fix would be to add the view to your browsers bookmarks and to the bookmark toolbar. We developers use Grease Monkey scripts that add the proper links automatically to our browsers.
Druid Achieves ISO/IEC 27001 Certification: Security as Part of Our Customer Promise
Druid Oy has received the prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, confirming its dedication to high information security standards and customer trust. Learn how this impacts our commitment to secure digital solutions.
Laurie Lim Sam
Hacktoberfest with Mautic
Laurie joined Hacktoberfest 2024 to contribute to Mautic. Discover how she reviewed pull requests, translated documentation, and implemented new features while giving back to the open-source community.
A smoother user experience with new technology
The Aava Medical Centre is one of our customers with very high expectations concerning user experience. In order for us to meet these expectations in a cost effective way, it’s important for us to utilize the most modern tools when building their services. Luckily for us, for the whole duration of our cooperation, Aava has committed itself to adopting new technology. This way Aava has also avoided excessive expenses during updates.
At the end of 2016 we set a goal with Aava. We decided to combine the frontend solutions for Aava’s different services, all of which have been created using different backend systems. At present, all of the systems have their own user interfaces, which has led to maintenance being cumbersome and non-scalable after the systems have expanded. Despite the fact that we have utilized modern tools building the current systems, the work always has to start from scratch for each system. The development of the user experience is also hindered, since the systems look very different from each other.
We began with building Aava’s “Terveytesi” (Your health) service. The goal of the project was to quickly create a new service from which customers would be able to easily find information on their health, for example diagnoses and appointment reservations.
Why did we end up using React?
Building the service required changes on the architecture already in place. For the development to be cost effective in the long run, we decided that all of the functionality available before the architecture overhaul would also have to be available after the overhaul. Because of this, we ended up focusing most of our effort on forming functional interfaces. For this project it was only natural to create a browser application, since the service would not require a lot of business logic outside of the interfaces.
Ember.js and React.js were both picked for consideration, since the team members had had positive experiences with them previously. Initially we tried to estimate which of the two systems would be easier to adopt into the current architecture, but we had to accept the fact that the comparison would be difficult, since neither seemed to fulfill the requirements we set at the start of the project. We therefore ended up comparing their community support and they way each of the systems had been implemented. In the end, we chose React, since we believed it would have more support in the long run.
How did the project run?
Adopting new technology always creates challenges. On this project, the most prominent challenge was how modern technology would merge with the infrastructure and programs Aava already had in place, even though the whole in itself had already been modern, per se. Also, not all of the team members had previous experience with modern JavaScript (es2016+). But we’re all for challenges, so during the project we made sure that each team member would have the same level of readiness to take part in the development of the project.
The infrastructure in place for Aava has been kept up to date for the whole length of our cooperation, but despite that, at first the development seemed to advance slowly, because we had to concentrate largely on developing the previous architecture; groundwork takes time. The main reason for this was that Aava did not have similar JavaScript implementations in use. When we completed the first components, we begun to pick up the pace, and new functionality started cropping up very rapidly.
Because we wanted to expedite the start of the project, we took a lot of our cues from boilerplate solutions. This proved to be a mistake at a later stage, when we had to sort through bugs found in the copied parts. The sorting was a challenge since we weren’t completely up to speed with all the choices and weaknesses in the code.
In the end, the project took about two months, approximately half of which was used to developing the previous infrastructure. We have now released the application for internal testing and it is soon going to be released for public.
Technical choices
Since PHP 5.6, which is still in wide use, is starting to fall short of Aava’s high standards, we decided at this point to update the service to PHP version 7.1, so that we could benefit from the increase in speed and amount of features. Many PHP libraries have already ceased to support PHP 5 versions, which complicates developing new things on top of PHP 5 versions. Aava was our first client to adopt PHP 7.1 into an existing project. This raised a lot of interest also outside of Druid.
For the moment we are using Drupal 7 as a backend system for the application. The API we’ve designed works so that the frontend application will be easy to move onto any platform. This way Aava’s technical choices will not be restricted by the technical choices we’ve made. We came to this decision because there was a substantial amount of functions already built for Drupal, which would speed up the development of the software.
We used the Swagger tool for the API documentation. Swagger documentation has been compiled from JSON data. The same file was also used to generate the interfaces.
As a whole, the project proved to be very interesting. Particularly the constant utilization of new technology keeps the mind sharp and the team motivated. It also ensures good mileage for our customers’ systems, and as low a cost as possible during the development phase.
Other interesting stuff
Kirsi Vatanen
Druid Achieves ISO/IEC 27001 Certification: Security as Part of Our Customer Promise
Druid Oy has received the prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, confirming its dedication to high information security standards and customer trust. Learn how this impacts our commitment to secure digital solutions.
Laurie Lim Sam
Hacktoberfest with Mautic
Laurie joined Hacktoberfest 2024 to contribute to Mautic. Discover how she reviewed pull requests, translated documentation, and implemented new features while giving back to the open-source community.
Drupal IronCamp – A peek behind the scenes
Have you ever wondered what it takes to organize a Drupal community event? How is it done, what happens behind the scenes? Now is your chance to find out! We hooked up with Zsófi Major and Petr Illek, two of the main organizers of last November’s Drupal IronCamp, to find out about the joys and challenges of event organizing. Some good tips coming up as well!
Where did the idea for the event come from?
Zsófi: At Drupalaton 2014 in Hungary, at one of the social nights, we started to talk about how nice it is that people from Eastern Europe come together to DrupalCamps, and how many great, great talents we have in the region. We also talked about how nice it would be to show this to the world, and to start building a community between different nations, not only in Eastern Europe. Then came the DrupalCon in Amsterdam where I pitched this idea at the Community Summit, and the rest is history. 🙂
Petr: In Amsterdam a group of people from various Central and Eastern European countries brainstormed about making DrupalCamps more accessible for people from that area. Local camps are usually too small or short, and with lower budgets to attract big speaker names. The name IronCamp was born very soon, as it was the common denominator for all these countries.
Zsófi: Yes, the name was a good one. IronCamp was the only suggestion that came up at the summit during the first talks, and even if we agreed to have it as a ‘working title’ for the moment, during the Con it turned out that people liked it. The countries that we wanted to involve in kicking off the event have something very important in common: we all have a history with the Iron Curtain. Even nowadays it is still a sensitive topic, but we realized that this is what we want to achieve with the camp: opening the invisible borders and see so many great friends together.
Can you tell a little bit about the planning process?
Petr: We started the work just after Amsterdam, with the aim of having the first event in Budapest, but sadly we had to cancel it a few months before. It was a valuable lesson though. We then had a few discussions at DrupalCon Barcelona and also at DrupalCamp Vienna and agreed to have another go, this time in Prague. The planning restarted right after Barcelona, but the main focus with weekly meetings was from January/February 2016.
Zsófi: Personally, I was pretty much involved in the things around the camp from moment zero. It wasn’t easy, but starting a brand new DrupalCamp can be very challenging, and we knew that.
How many people were involved in the organizing? How did the team work?
Zsófi: On our Slack channel we have around 40 people, but we knew that most of them didn’t want to be involved in the actual organizing part, and I think having 10 people in the core team is mostly enough. We learned a lot about how to delegate tasks and how to trust people with getting the things done. What I find hardest when it comes to event organizing is that the level of emotional involvement of people is not always obvious and of course cannot be the same all the time for everyone. This is why the team members need to figure out the optimal way to work together, as not everybody is interested in fixing bugs on the website or managing social media.
Petr: We had people from different countries in the main organizing team, with varying levels of involvement: Czech Republic, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Macedonia, Spain, the Netherlands. We didn’t set the responsibilities very strongly, they just automatically fell in place (we will need to improve on that the next time).
What was fun or interesting about organizing this event?
Zsófi: For me, working together with this team was the best part. I think having an international team is great, because everyone has a different point of view, everyone is sensitive to different things, and it was interesting to see how it all comes together in our hands. I felt very sad when we had to cancel the first event back in 2015, and then seeing it happen by these wonderful people was an awesome feeling. And I can’t wait Belgrade in 2018!
Petr: I also enjoyed being part of an international team. And the fact that it was my first real organizing experience made it all interesting. I really liked the moment when the attendees started to buy tickets and I realized that all these people (220) came to Prague because of something I helped prepare. The names of our session rooms (Krteček, Švejk and Cimrman) were selected because they are among the most well known Czech fictional characters.
The dream team! From up left: Floris van Geel, Mojzis Stupka, Vasil Grozdanoski, Radim Klaška, Călin Marian, Miljenko Vujaklija, Zsófi Major, Petr Illek, Miro Michalicka, Rubén Teijeiro
What did you find challenging?
Petr: It was a challenge to organize the event by communicating through hangout meetings, sometimes with bad connections.
Zsófi: Yes, it was pretty challenging. But for me, the biggest challenge was to coordinate and help coordinate this size of a team at the same time. We met several times during the year, but never intentionally. When there were DrupalCamps or Cons where most of the team was together, we sat down and talked about what’s next and how to achieve our goals. But when you have a team of 10 remote people, who have their own lives, family and work, and doing all this voluntarily, it’s a different thing. But I think we did a great job, and learned a lot in the process.
Was there anything that surprised you?
Petr: The support from the international community during preparation. It ensured us that we are doing a valuable thing. And then of course the mainly positive reactions of attendees during and after the event.
Zsófi: I agree with Petr. The support and the help we received in the past two years is incredible. We received a lot of financial support as well which of course was a huge practical help in bringing the event together, but for me the general feedback was everything. Everywhere I went, all the people I talked to, everybody was open and interested in what we were doing, and it gave us reassurance that what we do is a really great thing and good for the Drupal community as well.
From your perspective, how did the event go?
Petr: We had a scenario for the event days, so everybody knew where they needed to be and when. But obviously we forgot a few things, and there were some unexpected situations as well (e.g. you enter one of the session rooms and discover a teacher with some students on their usual class…). But after the hectic first few hours we settled down and sticked to the plan more or less successfully.
Zsófi: Organizing an event can never really be scripted. You can have a scenario, a list of things you are supposed to do at a given time, but of course when you are actually there at the venue, it turns out that things take more time, require more assistance, and anything can come up that you didn’t expect in advance. It’s a great way to gain a lot of experience that will make you an expert of handling those unexpected situations. Of course we all have THE ideal event in mind, and we aim to achieve that, but we also learn how to let dreams go, and how to bring the best out of what we have.
Do you have any good tips for other event organizers?
Zsófi: Learn how to delegate and trust people. Learn from your failures and try to understand how you can make it better next time. And keep observing yourself to make sure you don’t burn out. 🙂
Petr: Make a schedule early in the project and stick to it. Split responsibilities among the team and stick to them. If I’m responsible for session recordings for example, it doesn’t mean I need to handle everything related to that. Other team members can work on it too, even more than me. Responsibility just means overseeing and keeping track of the status, and being available for other team members’ questions. Also, choose a head decision maker. Democracy is nice, but there are situations where somebody just needs to make a final decision, due to time pressure for example.
What was great about the event? Why should people attend the next IronCamp in Belgrade in 2018?
Petr: It was and it will be the best Drupal event of the year! I think we have created a fun, open and accessible event for everyone, not only Drupalers, mainly from the region. There were sessions for beginners and masters alike, as well as job speed dating for connecting companies with open positions with developers looking for a job.
Zsófi: The professional part of the event is very important – we had great sessions and I’m very proud of our lineup of speakers. What I found very good at IronCamp was the people who attended. There were so many people from different countries, areas of expertise, knowledge, age, etc, and it was great to see that they were brought together in Prague by Drupal. I think our event was a great example of ‘come for the software, stay for the community’, and I know that this will be the same in Serbia too.
What’s your motivation for organizing Drupal community events? Why are you doing this?
Petr: This is my way to contribute to the Drupal project on the international level, as I cannot give back directly by coding a module or patch, and my presence on the local forum is – well, just local. The other thing is, it’s very refreshing to step away from 8+ hours a day of Drupal and do something else (for another 8+ hours!): communicating with people, taking responsibility for certain parts of the event, doing design and DTP for the camp etc.
Zsófi: The Drupal community really is great. When people ask me why I do this, working for months to bring a few dozens of people together for a few days, I always say that because I love seeing these people together. We all have our own lives and stuff, and even if we stay in touch between events, those few days when we can talk and laugh together, hug each other or just sit next to each other at the sessions or in the sprint room, these really give all of us some kind of a power boost. And I find this incredible.
Druid was one of the gold sponsors of the event.
Other interesting stuff
Kirsi Vatanen
Druid Achieves ISO/IEC 27001 Certification: Security as Part of Our Customer Promise
Druid Oy has received the prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, confirming its dedication to high information security standards and customer trust. Learn how this impacts our commitment to secure digital solutions.
Laurie Lim Sam
Hacktoberfest with Mautic
Laurie joined Hacktoberfest 2024 to contribute to Mautic. Discover how she reviewed pull requests, translated documentation, and implemented new features while giving back to the open-source community.
Mika Suominen
Love and limits for a four-year-old
It’s been over four years since I founded Druid with a bunch of great guys. There has been growth, ups and downs, more growth, breakthroughs, mistakes, success, failures and learnings. Definitely good times with great people! As the year is nearing its end, it’s a good opportunity to stop for a moment, take a look back to review what we’ve achieved and learned, and to plan the next steps.
Lesson 1: One man show (14 developers + me) leads to a mess 🙂 Solution: Get more non-developer resources and take your time to learn how to delegate.
Lesson 2: A “few men’s show” doesn’t work either. Solution: Come up with new ideas, experiment, fail, learn and iterate. Set up structures, roles and processes, create a support organization and identify the bottlenecks. This is what we’ve been building for the last 1.5 years.
Our latest experiment is the newly released team structure. It seems to be working very well! There are still many things to improve, but the big picture and the foundations for the future are now laid. The organization is not dependent on any single person anymore, yet every single person is needed.
As one of Druid’s founders and the builder of its growth, I feel my job as the CEO is done. Now that the company has reached its current state, I’m more than happy to hand my baby over to new hands. As of January 1, 2017, our current Vice President Mikko Hämäläinen will be the acting CEO of Druid. I will be the Chairman of the Board, and I’ll also continue to be responsible for sales and partnerships at Druid.
Our defiant four-year-old needs not only love but some additional limits as well to be able to blossom. It also needs an optimal leader in order to do so. With a new leader comes a new phase. It will be a phase of scaling our business and keeping up the good work on required improvements. There’s plenty of stuff to do with fixing our processes and creating sufficient support functions. We want them to be as awesome as our culture and technical expertise! I trust that Mikko is the right person to drive these developments and our day-to-day operations with his efficient and systematic approach.
I want to thank all my fellow Druids, our customers and partners for the past four years – the most amazing years of my career so far. It has been a pleasure to take this journey with you guys.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017!
PS. Goals can be manifold. To me, the ultimate goal in some sense was a Druid champagne. This part of my legacy is reality now! So yes, you can consider my job done here 😉
Mika Suominen
Board Member
Other interesting stuff
Kirsi Vatanen
Druid Achieves ISO/IEC 27001 Certification: Security as Part of Our Customer Promise
Druid Oy has received the prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, confirming its dedication to high information security standards and customer trust. Learn how this impacts our commitment to secure digital solutions.
Laurie Lim Sam
Hacktoberfest with Mautic
Laurie joined Hacktoberfest 2024 to contribute to Mautic. Discover how she reviewed pull requests, translated documentation, and implemented new features while giving back to the open-source community.
Druid’s DrupalCon Dublin session digest
Yes, yes, we already wrapped up the event for our part earlier this week. But we just couldn’t quite stop yet. What’s great with DrupalCon is that it really offers something for everyone, so we decided to list some of the sessions we found interesting and useful at the event. Oh the variety! If you were not in Dublin – well, even if you were – you can hopefully find something worth a listen out of these picks.
Let’s start with Angie Byron’s super interesting talk that presented an analysis of Drupal’s competitors, where they are currently outshining Drupal and how we can change that. Definitely worth checking out!
Being Human
The new ‘Being Human’ session track clearly resonated with the community. The track offered some excellent presentations, including:
We also recommend checking the panel session about project methodologies (Scrum, Kanban and Waterfall) by Jeffrey McGuire, Shannon Vettes, Ashleigh Thevenet, Jenn Sramek, and a few others. Although the topic itself was already familiar to us, the session was really fun and inventively presented as a dating game.
As a sidenote: It took us slightly by surprise that not so many companies at DrupalCon seem to work with agile methods. Perhaps we should start expanding our agile trainings abroad… 😉
On the technical side, there were loads of good stuff. A few recommendations here:
Now there’s some food for thought for us, and presumably for many others as well.
What were your favorite sessions? Any must-hears that we missed?
Other interesting stuff
Laurie Lim Sam
Druid’s ongoing partnership with Business College Helsinki
Discover Druid's ongoing partnership with BCH Fullstack Development Program. Learn how we support new developers through mentorship, real projects, and internship opportunities.
Kirsi Vatanen
DrupalCon Barcelona 2024: It's All About Community
Explore our experiences at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, where the spirit of community, knowledge-sharing, and innovation were front and center.
Diamonds and magic at DrupalCon Dublin
The dust has settled, we’ve recovered from Drupal Flu and had some time to reflect on our experience as DrupalCon Dublin diamond sponsors. It was awesome, no doubt about that!
Ever since Druid was founded four years ago, our principle has been to actively support and give back to the Drupal community. In addition to sponsoring events, we’re also among the top 30 code contributors globally.
DrupalCon diamond sponsorship had been on our bucket list since the very beginning, and we wouldn’t have been able to do this without the amazing Drupal community. So our biggest thanks go to everyone who has supported, encouraged, and challenged us along the way. It feels incredible that we’ve come this far in only four years. Believing in our own way of doing things, which may not be the most conventional way, has paid off. Our long-term plan is to expand our foothold outside of Finland, so raising people’s awareness of the company at DrupalCon certainly didn’t hurt.
We also want to thank the Drupal Association, Drupal Ireland and the Convention Centre Dublin for a very well organized event. The venue was great, with stunning views over the river Liffey, and the friendly staff made the event all the more delightful.
Our booth at the exhibit hall drew the crowd quite nicely. Whether it was because of the old school arcade games, our much-complimented swag featuring our recently renewed logo, or pure interest towards our doings, we were happy to see the bustle and make new acquaintances. Thanks to all booth visitors for the great chats and laughs!
Content-wise, Druid was represented by Lauri Eskola and Bart Feenstra who both gave two talks at the event. Special thanks go to our kindred spirit Jonna Tiainen who, as the Product Owner of the project, totally rocked our showcase presentation together with Bart. In the showcase, they described how a complex Drupal 8 site was built from an agile project management aspect – from a human aspect, really. Here’s the recording:
A few of us stayed in Dublin for the sprints which were also very well organized, this time by Rachel Lawson. Bart contributed as a sprint mentor and Druid was one of the sponsors for the sprint mentors’ thank-you dinner.
Needless to say, this fun-loving bunch of Druids felt at home in Dublin in the late hours as well. We hosted some (improvised) (after) parties at our penthouse, and were one of the sponsors of the Women in Drupal get together. We also very much appreciated that we could fit into the amazing Trivia Night venue this year!
Without underrating the learning and networking aspects, one of the best parts about DrupalCon is that we get to hang out with each other as a team. As most of us are working at customers’ premises a few days per week and three of us are permanently abroad, spending time with each other at DrupalCon is pure gold. It wasn’t just about bonding over a pint of Guinness – well, mostly, but not only: we also took the time for a full-day internal training before the event officially kicked off.
A great, memorable week with lots of new friends made, old friends caught up with and Druid’s magic sprinkled around Dublin. See you in Vienna next year, and hopefully many times before that!
Other interesting stuff
Laurie Lim Sam
Druid’s ongoing partnership with Business College Helsinki
Discover Druid's ongoing partnership with BCH Fullstack Development Program. Learn how we support new developers through mentorship, real projects, and internship opportunities.
Kirsi Vatanen
DrupalCon Barcelona 2024: It's All About Community
Explore our experiences at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, where the spirit of community, knowledge-sharing, and innovation were front and center.
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