Customized online stores for business growth

A functional online store that offers a rich shopping experience doesn’t happen by chance. The Druid team listens to your goals and understands your customers. We custom-design your online store from inception to completion, ensuring a perfect fit for your business.

We handle the construction of these crucial elements for every outstanding online store: reliability, upgradability, user-friendliness, accessibility and optimized mobile usability.

Tailored e-commerce solutions

Unlocking competitive advantage beyond standard packages

Flexibility and competitive advantage

We provide an optimized online store customized to your specific business requirements, delivering a competitive edge through more efficient purchasing processes. By taking ownership of the platform, you can continuously evolve the store to align with your distinctive business needs.

Three men working with laptop

Core of sales

A customized online store is the ideal choice when e-commerce is a core part of the sales process. It provides you with endless opportunities to build and enhance your competitive edge.

man and woman working with computer

Diverse product categories

Merge the sales of physical and digital products into one flexible system that effortlessly integrates with your other customer systems. Experience versatile commerce and streamlined business operations!

Effortless integrations

Offer your customers a smooth and cohesive shopping experience! We integrate your online store with your company’s website, facilitating the seamless merging of content and products and ensuring effortless management.

Success stories

Ruka’s versatile ticket and rental shop, Touring Cars’ fully customizable motorhome rental services, Lääkärikeskus Aava’s smooth appointment bookings, Footbalance’s personalized insoles, and Tamro’s customer-specific ordering channel.

Check out all our success stories here!

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Five reasons to choose Druid
as your e-commerce partner

  • Reliability: Years of experience in managing critical systems.

  • User-friendliness: Solutions that are easy to use and accessible.

  • Expertise: The necessary skills for successfully executing complex projects.

  • Business-centric approach: Ongoing optimization based on analytics while considering your goals.

  • Comprehensive support: Full-service assistance throughout the entire e-commerce lifecycle

“Druid did an incredibly impressive job of turning our needs into reality. Their attitude from the beginning was all about figuring out how to make our wishes come true. There were no ‘can’t do’ statements, only discussions on how to make it happen”

– Laura Mukkala, FootBalance Marketing Executive

Our work


Enriched product information, effortless content management and seamless integrations: MyTamro service channel and a new website

Touring Cars

Seamlessly integrated website and reservation system that allowed sales conversion to increase by 120 % relative to site traffic.

City of Helsinki

New universal Drupal platform and the revamp of web service – efficient and accessible content production

Druid is also your trusted partner in the following web solutions

We focus on enhancing your security, whether it’s for a new or existing Drupal site. We consider the security needs specific to your organization and its respective industry.

In addition to our primary services, we provide Matomo Analytics packages for websites, cookie management via Cookiebot and an integrated approach to publishing your social media content using Taeggie. Furthermore, we offer agile and secure web hosting solutions.

Utilizing the user-friendly Mautic platform, we seamlessly blend your marketing strategy with your digital footprint, delivering precise, streamlined and impactful marketing.